Present simple

Morning routine – առավոտյան ռեժիմ

1.Wake up – արթնանալ

2.To take a shower – ցնցուղ ընդունել

3.To have breakfast – նախաճաշել

4.To drink a cup of coffee/tea – խմել մեկ բաժակ սուրճ կամ թեյ

5.To go to college + to do lessons – գնալ քոլեջդաս անել

6.To brush teeth – ատամները լվանալ

7.To do morning exercise – կատարել առավոտյան նախավարժանքներ

8.To get dressed – հագնվել

9.To wash face and hands – լվանալ դեմքը և ձեռքերը

10.To clean the room – սենյակը հավաքել

11.To make the bed – անկողինը ծածկել

12.To collect the bag – պայուսակը հավագել

13.To check the phone – հեռախոսը ստուգել

14.To comb hair – մազերը սանրել

15.To leave the house – տունը լքել

Հուշող բառեր – often, usually, always, every, never


1.I collect the bag every day

Do I collect the bag every day?

I don’t collect the bag every day.

2.You often leave the house.

Do you often leave the house at 8 o’clock?

You don’t often leave the house at 8 o’clock.

3.She always combs her hair.

Does she always comb her hair?

She doesn’t always comb her hair.

4.I usually go to school.

Do I usually go to school?

I don’t usually go to school.

5. I sometimes clean my room.

Do I sometimes clean my room?

I don’t sometimes clean my room.

6.Felix wakes up every morning.

7.She sometimes takes a shower.

8.Yujin always gets dressed.

9.Rebecca often drink a cup of coffee.

10.Tomas usually leave the house.

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